Nutrition Counseling Center VIVIENTE

Nutrition counseling center VIVIENTE has been active for more than 10 years and has helped hundreds of people to achieve their ideal weight. In our center you will meet university-educated and highly informed nutritionists who love their work and follow the latest trends.

We help people understand basic principles of nutrition. We encourage clients to make appropriate changes in their diet to help them maintain health. Every client is treated individually according to his or her nutritional need, eating habits, preferences, daily routine and working schedule.

A nutrition therapist will meet with you (you determine frequency of meetings that works for you) to develop a customized nutrition plan for the weight loss phase and the maintenance phase based on several proven weight loss principles. We will invest in you personally through conversations, emailing and nutrition counseling. Our experienced nutrition therapist will monitor your nutrition plan and fat loss and make adjustments to continue steady and safe weight loss.

Services offered

Body Composition Analysis on the Device InBody

Analysis of body composition is essential for accurate evaluation and assessment of current dietary habits. It also allows us to recommend adjustments in the diet as well as in the area of physical activity. Knowing the actual body composition is crucial for producing a healthy and balanced individual diet plan.

To successfully lose weight, avoid yo-yo effect and maintain your ideal shape, you need to know your basal metabolic ratio. If you eat less energy than how much your body needs, your body will starve, it will be malnourished and will try to keep as much energy stored in fats as it can. When this is happening, you feel weak, tired and you have craving for sweets or fatty foods.

The ideal way to achieve a healthy and sustainable weight has two components. Firstly, you need to eat meals with appropriate amount of energy and balanced ratio of nutrients. Secondly, you need to give out energy in some kind of moderate physical activity. The weight loss should happen slowly and only fat mass should be lost, which means that you should not feel tiredness, cravings etc. during the process.

InBody Output

  • Weight
  • Skeletal Muscle Mass
  • Body Fat Mass
  • Total Body Water
  • Fat Free Mass
  • Segmental Lean Mass Evaluation
  • Segmental Fat Mass Evaluation
  • BMI (Body Mass Index)
  • PBF (Percentage of Body Fat)
  • Waist Hip Ratio (WHR)
  • Basal Metabolic Ratio (BMR) = minimal energy needs
  • Recommended Calorie Intake per Day
  • Visceral Fat (internal fat)
  • Water Retention

For whom is this information relevant?

This information can be of relevance for everybody, but mainly for those who would like to lose weight in a healthy way, for physically active people, for people who would like to increase their muscle mass, for people who would like to maintain their weight and feel good.

Individual Nutrition Counseling

Individual nutrition counseling includes the evaluation and assessment of current eating habits and we will also explain to you basics of nutrition. After this counseling, you should be able to choose food of higher quality, better alternatives of less recommendable products and also to have a healthy balanced diet.

Individual Diet Plan

Individual nutrition plan helps you to introduce permanent changes to your eating habits. You will receive an individual diet plan within 7-10 days after the first body analysis and consultation. This service also includes the evaluation and assessment of current eating habits and we will also explain to you basics of nutrition.

The individual diet plan with consultation contains:

  • 50 – 60 page-long material
  • Individual framework diet plan for 10-14 days
  • + education materials (shopping lists, pictures of appropriate products, practical information)
  • + 2 hours consultation provides you necessary information about the diet plan and helps you to understand the diet plan; consequently, you will be able to use the general information in order to produce a long-term diet plan for yourself.
  • Individual diet plan for healthy weight loss.
  • Individual diet plan for maintaining weigh and preventing putting on weight

Fees for Services

Body composition analysis on InBody + 90 min professional interpretation

1400 Kč

Individual nutrition counseling

  • 2 hour consultation, evaluation and assessment of current eating habits, explanation of basics of nutrition

2000 Kč

Individual diet plan with English and Czech names of products

  • Individual framework diet plan for 10-14 days
  • 50 – 60 pages

5000 – 6000 Kč

Our team

Ing. Ivana Škarecká (Imrichová), DiS.  

  • Since 2011 nutritionist in Viviente
  • Licensed nutritional therapist
  • University course Diet and Health, Faculty of LIFE science, University of Copehagen, Denmark
  • University course Nutrition, Growth and Development, Faculty of LIFE science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Course of Children Nutrition, Nutrition educational centre Mahra, Prague
  • Master’s Degree in Chemistry and Food Technology, field of study: Food Quality and Safety, Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno; focus on human nutrition, preventive nutrition and probiotics
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry and Food Technology, field of study Food Technology, Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno
  • 725 390 242
  • Office address: Bayerova 23, Brno, ground floor (please ring the bell)

 Ing. Eva Kovaříková (Jílková)

from 2022 on maternity leave

  • Since 2011 nutritionist in Viviente
  • Master‘s Degree in Chemistry and Food Technology, field of study: Food Quality and Safety, Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno; focus on human nutrition and preventive nutrition
  • Bachelor‘s Degree in Chemistry and Food Technology, field of study Food Technology, Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno.

Time schedule

Mo – Fri 8 -18

Cancellations less than 24 hours prior to the meeting only by phone.

Akce a novinky

Nový workshop „Jak si sestavit vyvážený jídelníček na míru“ – 2.11. 2024

2. 10. 2024

Zveme Vás na 6 hodinový workshop naplněný informacemi, které Vám pomohou zorientovat se ve výběru vhodnějších potravin, jak si sestavit vyvážený jídelníček, jak si poskládat svůj vlastní jídelníček a samozřejmě nebudou chybět i tématické fit svačinky. 1. workshop se bude nést v podzimním ladění. Součástí bude i analýza složení těla na InBody pro individuální nastavení jídelníčku dle vlastních cílů.

Celý text

AP START – kemp, který může být prvním krokem ke správnému životnímu stylu

13. 7. 2024

20.-22.9. se můžete přihlásit na zcela nový kemp konaný v Jeseníkách, který v sobě skloubí pohyb, výživu, relax a to vše pod vedením dvou usměvavých lektorek. Zdravý životní styl odbornou, ale hlavně stále zábavnou a motivační formou.

Celý text

Roadshow Zdraví a prevence s 211

1. 7. 2024

Je tu 4. ročník Roadshow Zdraví a prevence s 211, která se koná v 10 městech ČR přes celé léto a v září. Rádi Vám v rámci této akce ZDARMA uděláme analýzu složení těla na InBody a výsledky vytiskneme a rádi vysvětlíme a poradíme. Těšíme se na Vás!

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Všechny akce a novinky